Region 2, Zone 4 Report - October 11, 2009

I had my first zone meeting on Aug. 26th at the American Legion Hall in Marshall. All four clubs were represented and we had 20 Lions members in attendance.

We started out with a social at the Lions Park in the new shelter that was built this year. A very nice building and a great addition to the park. We then went to the Legion for the meal and meeting.

I was very fortunate to have both of our V.D.G. with us that evening. Lion Gene talked about the International Convention and Merlow. Lion Neil talked about Long Range planning and membership. Lions Daryl Porter and Dave Peltier were also there to talk about the Hearing program and Youth exchange.

The Marshall Lions had their 30th Anniversary on Sept 19th, I was not able to attend that evening. I did make it to their meeting on Sept. 16th and they installed 17 new members. They are really a good club with a lot of active members.

I attended the Cottage Grove Lions 35th Anniversary Banquet last Sat. Oct. 3rd. A very nice event and a lot of people were there. Two Melvin Jones Fellowships and a Birch Sturm award were presented. Cottage Grove Lions have done a lot in their 35 years and will continue to be one of the best clubs in the District and State.

Our next Zone meeting will be on Nov. 5th at PDG Jim Guy's house in Cottage Grove.

Lion John Elvekrog Region 2, Zone 4

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